Monday, March 02, 2009

Disappearing Artists...

via apartment therapy...

Emma Hack's work reminds me a lot of my friend Anne Polashenski's work...

The first two images are Emma's and the last two are Anne's. What is so interesting about Emma's work is that she is using body paint to camouflage her models where as Anne used the computer.

The idea is kind of beautiful in a scary way...the idea of disappearing--social wallflowers--and yet camouflage has a protective function in nature and war.

Reminds me of the scene in Le Pèrè Noël est une Ordure by Jean-Marie Poiré where the neurotic main character (I cannot remember his name...) is wearing a suit which matches the sofa that he is sitting on--although the pattern is no where near as dramatic as Anne and Emma's...Will have to rent that movie again since I haven't seen it since the 1980's...though still interesting that it is a male character who "disappears"...

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