Wednesday, December 16, 2009

When I Quote Others...

When I Quote Others..., originally uploaded by tara.bursey.

This is from a day when I started to lose my quote in English a bit. I think the weather had a role...cold and rainy. I love the City of Craft stickers hand-made by Amy Borkwood and Tara Bursey.

City of Craft Decals, Step 4

City of Craft Decals, Step 4, originally uploaded by tara.bursey.

Decal created by Amy Borkwood and fabricated by Tara. Looks so good!

When I Quote Others...

When I Quote Others..., originally uploaded by tara.bursey.

When I Quote Others...

When I Quote Others..., originally uploaded by tara.bursey.

I like the next two a alot! Both also from Tara Bursey's Flickr page.

When I quote others...

When I quote others..., originally uploaded by tara.bursey.

more from Tara...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

My studio in the car

City of Craft morning 2

The hand warmers saved me this morning. Winter installations are tough!

City of Craft

day 1, -4 below zero. no feeling in my toes and fingers. gangrene a possibility.